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Follow the steps in this section to install a sample application named HotR.O.D, and generate tracing data.

  1. Use the HotROD install script below to create a sample-application namespace and deploy HotROD application on it:
curl -sL \
| HELM_RELEASE=my-release SIGNOZ_NAMESPACE=platform bash
  1. Using the kubectl -n sample-application get pods command, monitor the sample application pods. Wait for all the pods to be in running state:
kubectl -n sample-application get pods


NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hotrod-55bd58cc8d-mzxq8 1/1 Running 0 2m
locust-master-b65744bbf-l7v7n 1/1 Running 0 2m
locust-slave-688c86bcb7-ngx7w 1/1 Running 0 2m
  1. Use the following command to generate load:
kubectl --namespace sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
--restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl -X POST -F \
'user_count=6' -F 'spawn_rate=2' http://locust-master:8089/swarm
  1. Browse to http://localhost:3301 and see the metrics and traces for your sample application.

  2. Use the following command to stop load generation:

kubectl -n sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
--restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl \

Go to Kubernetes Operate section for detailed instructions.