Creating Compute Engine


This document guides you on how to launch the Compute Engine instance on GCP.

Launch Compute Engine

  • On the GCP Console, search for Compute Engine, and navigate to the Compute Engine GCP service. Click on CREATE INSTANCE at the top.
  • Put an appropriate name for the instance, and select an appropriate region and zone.
  • Select an appropriate machine configuration. Here, we have selected E2 machine.
  • In the machine type, we have selected e2-medium. You can choose a larger machine in case you want to run multiple processes on this machine.
  • Coming to the Boot Disk section, click on CHANGE button.
  • Select the Ubuntu operating system, and the version as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86/64, amd64 image. You can put the disk size as per your requirement. We are going with 20GB disk size for this example. Click on Save.
  • In the Identity and API Access section, select the service account that has atleast Pub/Sub Editor permission.
  • In the Firewall section, select Allow HTTP access and Allow HTTPS access.
  • Click on CREATE button at the bottom, and wait for the instance to get created.
  • Once the instance is created, click on the SSH button to connect to the instance. Click on the Authorize button on the popup. With this you will enter into the terminal of the instance.

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