Troubleshoot guide

Troubleshoot Instrumenting your application and sending data to SigNoz

SigNoz Otel Collector Address Grid

You might have specific set up for your application and SigNoz cluster. You can use the below table to figure out which address to use to send data to SigNoz.

Here is the SigNoz Otel Collector address grid which could be helpful:

Where SigNoz is installed?
VM (Docker) - Same MachineVM (Docker) - Different MachineK8s (Same Cluster)K8s (Different Cluster)
Where your application is running?VM (native/binary)localhost:4317<otelcollector-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317
VM (Docker), otel-collector:4317(shared network)<otelcollector-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317
Kubernetes<otelcollector-IP>:4317<otelcollector-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317<k8s-node-IP>:<otelcollector-node-port>, <k8s-loadbalancer-IP>:4317
📝 Note
  1. For the otelcollector-IP, use private IP address if the VM is in same private network. Replace app-namespace with your application namespace, my-release with SigNoz helm release name, and platform with SigNoz namespace.

  2. In the case of k8s where the application and SigNoz are running in different k8s cluster, you will have to expose otel collector service. Set the service type to either NodePort or LoadBalancer.

    helm upgrade --install -n platform my-release signoz/signoz \
    --set otelCollector.serviceType="<NodePort or LoadBalancer>"

Troubleshooting SigNoz installation

This guide shares detailed steps on how to find if your SigNoz installation is accessible from your application to send telemetry data

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