Collecting Tomcat Access and Garbage Collector Logs


You can configure OpenTelemetry Collector to read Tomcat Server Access and Garbage Collector logs and push them to SigNoz for analysis.

Steps to Collect Logs in SigNoz Cloud

1. Install OpenTelemetry Collector

The OpenTelemetry Collector provides a vendor-neutral way to collect, process, and export telemetry data (logs, metrics, traces). Follow this installation guide.

2. Configure Filelog Receiver

Modify the config.yaml file from the installation to include the filelog receiver:

    include: [/<path_to_access_log>/localhost_access_log.*] # Path to access logs
    start_at: end
    include: [/<path_to_gc_log>/garbage-collection.log.*] # Path to garbage collector logs
    start_at: end
  • Use start_at: end to transmit only new logs. Change to beginning to include historical logs.
  • Update log paths using server arguments:
    • Access logs: -Dcatalina.base=<new_access_logs_path>
    • GC logs: -Xloggc:<new_gc_logs_path>

3. Update Pipelines Configuration

In the same config.yaml, add the receivers to the pipeline:

    receivers: [otlp, filelog/access_logs, filelog/gc_logs]
    processors: [batch]
    exporters: [otlp]

4. Restart the OTel Collector

Apply changes by restarting the OTel Collector.

5. Verify Export

Check the SigNoz UI for the exported logs.

Access logs in SigNoz
Access logs in SigNoz Logs Explorer
GC logs in SigNoz
GC logs in SigNoz Logs Explorer

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