Traces Explorer in SigNoz


The Traces Explorer page in SigNoz enables developers to filter, examine, and analyze traces. There are four different views available in Traces Explorer which include:

List View

The List View is the default view on the Traces Explorer page.

List View in the Trace Explorer
List View in Trace Explorer

You can perform the following operations in List view:

Apply Filters

  • Filtering - Narrow down the trace data based on specific filters such as responseStatusCode .

  • Order By - Use Order By to filter the data in a particular order.

Filter and Order By in List View in the Traces Explorer
Filter and Order By in List View in Trace Explorer
📝 Note
  • The Group By, Add a query and Add a function features are not supported in List View.

Customize Columns

Add or delete columns using the Options button. For example, you can add the httpMethod column to see the request methods alongside each trace.

Add or Delete column in List View of the Traces Explorer
Add or Delete column in List View
📝 Note
  • Timestamp column can't be removed.

Number of Spans to display

You can increase the number of spans displayed upto 200/page using the dropdown shown in image below.

List View in the Trace Explorer
Increase the number of spans displayed in List View

Traces View

The Traces View focuses on analysis of traces related to root span. A root span also know as a Parent span is the starting point of a trace.

Traces View in the Trace Explorer
Traces View in Trace Explorer

You can perform the following operations in Traces view:

Apply Filters

Filters applied in this view will only be applied on the root spans, not the entire traces.

For example,

When you apply filters for serviceName or durationNano(For the Root span duration) these will be applied on the Root Span only.

Applying Filter in Traces View in Trace Explorer
Applying Filter in Traces View in Trace Explorer
📝 Note
  • The Group By, Add a query and Add a function features are not supported in List View.
  • Right now there is no support to filter by No. of Spans

Root Duration

Traces are sorted by descending order of duration which helps in identifying the longest running trace.

Root Durations in Traces View in Trace Explorer
Root Duration in Traces View

Number of Traces to display

You can increase the number of spans upto 200/page using the dropdown shown in image below.

 Increase the number of spans displayed in Traces View
Increase the number of spans displayed in Traces View

Time Series View

The Time Series View provides a graphical representation of trace data over time.

Timeseries View in the Trace Explorer
Timeseries View in Trace Explorer

The Time Series View has the following components:

Query Builder

Query builder helps in filtering, aggregation and grouping of your traces data. Refer to this documentation to read more about the capabilities of the Query Builder.

Query Builder in Timeseries View
Query Builder in Timeseries View

Graph View

This provides you with a graphical representation of the output of Query made using the Query Builder.

Graph View in Timeseries View
Graph View in Timeseries View

Table View

The Table View provides a tabular representation of the trace data.

Table View in the Trace Explorer
Table View in Trace Explorer

Query Builder

Just like Time Series View, the Query builder in Table view also helps in filtering, aggregation and grouping of your traces data. Refer to this documentation to read more about the capabilities of the Query Builder.

Query Builder in Table View
Query Builder in Table View


This provides you with a tabular representation of the output of Query made using the Query Builder.

Table in Table View
Table in Table View

Bottom Bar

The bar present at the Bottom of each view in Traces Explorer has multiple helpful features.

Bottom Bar of Traces Explorer
Bottom Bar in Traces Explorer

Save View

At the Bottom of each View available in the Traces Explorer, we have an option to Save this View . What this does is, it saves the specific settings that you have applied for the particular View as a template which can be accessed later from the Views Tab available at the top or from Select a View dropdown. To know more details about Save View, please refer to this documentation.

Save view
Save view

Create an Alert

Just next to Save this view, we have the Create an Alert button which can be used to instantly create a Trace based Alert according to the filters applied in our current view.

Create an Alert
Create an Alert

Add to Dashboard

Next to Create an Alert, we have the Add to Dashboard button using which you can add the current panel to a New or any other existing dashboard.

Add to Dashboard
Add to Dashboard