We’ve raised $6.5M to build the future of open source observability

Pranay Profile
Pranay Prateek

Maintainer, SigNoz

We are excited to share that we have raised 6.5M led by SignalFire and joined by co-founders of GitHub and PlanetScale as angels. The round is made up of our recent 5.4M raise led by SignalFire and our previously unannounced $1.1M round by Y Combinator and a bunch of angels.

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Our mission is to democratize access to flexible observability by building an open source observability platform based on OpenTelemetry. This fundraise will help us execute more aggressively on it.

Many teams still are stuck using basic logs and metrics, and aren’t able to leverage modern tooling like APM, distributed tracing, etc. Often, this is due to expensive pricing and compatibility constraints in their organizations. We want to change this and make great observability available to everyone.

We are deeply grateful to the developer community for their continuous feedback & support in our journey to become one of the most loved integrated open source observability products. We today have 14K+ stars on our Github repo, 5mn+ downloads of our docker image & more than 100 contributors from across the globe.

How did it all start?

When we started SigNoz, there was a considerable difference between the observability solutions available in open source and what was available in closed source products like DataDog, NewRelic, etc. As developers, we wanted predictable pricing, simple integration, and no vendor lock in. We couldn't find such a project, so we decided to build SigNoz.

Back in early 2021, OpenTelemetry was still a young project, but the idea of instrumentation built on an open standard appealed to us. Hence, we started building SigNoz natively on top of OpenTelemetry. We don’t have any instrumentation SDKs of our own, so customers aren’t stuck in our ecosystem.

Today, this makes SigNoz one of the most powerful OpenTelemetry native observability platforms with features which leverage data models prescribed by OpenTelemetry.

Correlating across metrics, traces and logs in a single platform
Correlating across metrics, traces and logs in a single platform

Focus on solving issues faster & transparency

One key focus for us is to help developers & platform engineers solve issues faster. We believe that this is possible only if we have different signals in one place, which can be tightly correlated to come to the root cause much faster. Being based on modern columnar data stores also helps us bring the latest technology to our users.

Meanwhile, many teams we work with shared concerns about being hit with huge surprise bills due to hidden pricing and overage charges, as is common with our competitors. Embracing our open source ethos, we are committed to predictable and transparent pricing.

Where are we going?

We believe all open source software will soon provide telemetry in a vendor-neutral format like OpenTelemetry. This enables their users to get more detailed information about what’s happening inside them when a request is executed. Having an open-source instrumentation automatically calls for a backend and visualization layer, which is open source.

That’s where SigNoz comes in. We plan to use the funds to mature the product and spend more on bringing more OpenTelemetry native features to the observability ecosystem.

SigNoz Cloud

It’s also now easier than ever to get started with SigNoz, as today we’re announcing the public launch of SigNoz Cloud, our fully-managed offering of our open-source product. This is an exciting milestone for the team as we know a lot of our community has wanted to use SigNoz without worrying about hosting and managing their own infrastructure. It’s available right now to get started!

We didn't do it alone; it takes a village.

We are still in early stages of democratizing great observability, but we are grateful for the love and support we have received from the developer community, investors who backed us in our early days and team members who shared our vision and joined us to make it come true.

Team SigNoz
Team SigNoz

We would like to thank Y Combinator for their early belief in us, early community members who gave feedback on the product. We have been fortunate to have been backed by a great set of investors and experts in the domain, including Salil (Uncorrelated Ventures), Jiten Viadya(PlanetScale), Paul Copplestone (Supabase) and Tom-Preston Warner (ex-Github).

Try SigNoz Cloud today!

Join our SanFrancisco OpenTelemetry meetup on October 4