
This article is part of the OpenTelemetry NodeJS series:

Check out the complete series at: Overview - Implementing OpenTelemetry in NodeJS with SigNoz - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

In this article, we'll get you started with Docker and NodeJS—key components of our sample microservices application. We'll also touch on MongoDB Compass and Postman, which will help you manage your database and test APIs effectively.

Our goal is simple: equip you with the tools you'll need to follow along with this tutorial effortlessly. Don't worry if some terms or tools are new to you—we'll go through each step together.


Before we begin, make sure you have:

  • Basic familiarity with command-line operations and JavaScript.
  • Administrative access to your computer (for installations).
  • A stable internet connection to download necessary software.

Setting Up Docker

Docker simplifies the development process by containerizing your application along with its environment. This means you can build, run, and test your application in environments that mirror production settings, regardless of your local machine setup.

Installing Docker

Verifying the Installation

Ensure Docker is ready to roll:

docker --version
docker-compose --version

Seeing a version number means you're all set!

Setting Up NodeJS

NodeJS lets us run JavaScript outside of a web browser, which is crucial for our backend services.

Installing NodeJS

Download the LTS version from for stability and long-term support.

Verifying the Installation

Check your installation by running:

node --version
npm --version

Both commands should return the version numbers installed.

MongoDB Compass

This graphical user interface will make it easier to see what's happening in your MongoDB database. It’s a great tool for both beginners and seasoned pros.

Installing MongoDB Compass

You can download MongoDB Compass directly from the official MongoDB website.


Postman is your go-to for testing API interactions, allowing you to send requests and analyze responses in a user-friendly interface.

Installing Postman

Get the latest version of Postman from


Congratulations! You've set up the essential tools needed to develop and test microservices. Here’s what you’ve accomplished:

  • Docker is now ready to containerize your application, ensuring that it runs smoothly in any environment.
  • NodeJS is set up, empowering you to develop server-side logic.
  • MongoDB Compass is installed, offering you a clear view into your database.
  • Postman is on standby to handle all your API testing needs.

You're perfectly positioned to start diving deeper into our NodeJS microservices application in the upcoming articles.


Read Next Article of OpenTelemetry NodeJS series on Understanding and Cloning the Sample Application - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

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