In the modern distributed systems and microservices era, application monitoring has grown increasingly complex. As a developer, you face a critical decision: should you stick with traditional logging or embrace modern observability frameworks like OpenTelemetry? This choice can significantly impact your ability to understand, diagnose, and troubleshoot your application's performance.

In this article, we dive deep into the world of OpenTelemetry and traditional logging, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases to help you make the best decision for your app.

What is OpenTelemetry and Traditional Logging?

OpenTelemetry is a modern, open-source framework designed for collecting and analyzing telemetry data from applications. It offers a comprehensive approach by unifying traces, metrics, and logs into a single format, providing a more holistic view of system health. This is especially valuable in complex, distributed systems where understanding cross-service interactions is crucial.

Traditional logging has been a staple in software development for decades. It involves recording events and messages, typically in text files or structured formats. While effective for basic troubleshooting, traditional logging can be limited in providing a comprehensive view of system behavior, especially in modern, distributed environments.

While both approaches serve essential roles in observability, the key differences between OpenTelemetry and traditional logging can be summarized as follows:

  • Data Types: OpenTelemetry collects and unifies three main data types: traces, metrics, and logs, whereas traditional logging is focused solely on capturing log data.
  • Context and Correlation: OpenTelemetry provides rich context by correlating different types of telemetry data, such as linking traces to logs or metrics, which helps identify the root causes of complex issues. Traditional logging, on the other hand, often lacks this broader cross-service perspective, making it harder to understand system-wide interactions.
  • Standardization: OpenTelemetry offers a vendor-neutral, cross-language standard for data collection, ensuring consistent observability practices across different environments and platforms. Traditional logging methods can vary widely depending on the system, language, or tools used, leading to inconsistencies in data format and accessibility.

The shift from traditional logging to modern observability frameworks like OpenTelemetry reflects the growing complexity of distributed applications. As systems scale and become more interconnected, the need for a more comprehensive and correlated approach to monitoring becomes critical for maintaining performance, identifying issues quickly, and ensuring system reliability.

Why OpenTelemetry is Gaining Traction in App Monitoring

The following reasons are why developers are adopting OpenTelemetry:

  • Unified approach: OpenTelemetry provides a consistent way to collect and analyze telemetry data across your entire application stack.
  • Cross-language support: With implementations in multiple programming languages, OpenTelemetry allows you to instrument diverse technology stacks seamlessly.
  • Vendor neutrality: OpenTelemetry's open standard ensures that you're not locked into a specific vendor or tool, giving you flexibility in choosing your observability backend.
  • Enhanced context: By correlating traces, metrics, and logs, OpenTelemetry offers a more comprehensive view of your application's behavior and performance.
  • Scalability: OpenTelemetry is designed to handle the high volume of telemetry data generated by modern, distributed applications without significant performance overhead.
  • Community and Ecosystem: OpenTelemetry benefits from a vibrant community and ecosystem, with contributions from numerous organizations and individuals. This fosters continuous development, innovation, and support.

These features make OpenTelemetry an attractive choice for developers looking to future-proof their observability strategy and gain deeper insights into their applications.

How Traditional Logging Works in Application Monitoring

Traditional logging has been a cornerstone of application monitoring for decades. It involves capturing and analyzing log messages generated by applications to gain insights into their behavior and identify potential issues.

Strengths of Traditional Logging:

  • Simplicity: Traditional logging is relatively straightforward to implement and understand.
  • Flexibility: It can be adapted to various use cases and logging levels.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: In some cases, traditional logging can be more cost-effective than advanced observability solutions.

Limitations of Traditional Logging:

Consider the following limitations while using traditional logging:

  • Limited Context: Traditional logging often struggles to provide a comprehensive view of application behavior, especially in distributed systems.
  • Performance Overhead: Excessive logging can impact application performance, especially in high-traffic environments.
  • Scalability: Traditional logging can become challenging to manage and analyze as applications grow in size and complexity.

Here's how it typically works:

To implement traditional monitoring, your app follows these steps:

  1. Log generation: Your application code writes log messages to capture important events, errors, or debug information.
  2. Storage: Logs are usually stored in text files on the local file system or sent to a centralized log management system.
  3. Analysis: Developers and operations teams use log analysis tools to search, filter, and visualize log data to identify issues or track application behavior.

There are three main types of logs:

  • Unstructured logs: Simple text messages with no defined format.
  • Semi-structured logs: Logs with some consistent elements, like timestamps or severity levels.
  • Structured logs: Logs in a specific format (e.g., JSON) with well-defined fields for easy parsing and analysis.

While traditional logging remains valuable for certain use cases, its limitations have led to the increasing adoption of more advanced observability approaches like OpenTelemetry, which offers richer context, better scalability, and a more unified view of application performance.

OpenTelemetry's Core Components

OpenTelemetry provides a comprehensive observability solution through its three core components.


Traces represent the path taken by a request or transaction as it moves through different services or components in a distributed system. Each trace comprises a series of spans, which are individual operations or segments of work. By analyzing traces, you can understand how different services interact and where bottlenecks or failures occur.

Key concepts include:

The key concepts for Traces are:

  • Spans: Individual units of work within a trace, representing operations or method calls.
  • Context propagation: Mechanism for passing trace information between services.
  • Attributes: Key-value pairs that provide additional context to spans.

Traces allow you to quickly identify performance bottlenecks, latency issues, and service failures across complex microservice architectures, saving time on root cause analysis.


Metrics are numerical measurements that provide insight into the performance and resource usage of your system. Metrics are typically aggregated over time and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as CPU usage, memory consumption, request throughput, and error rates.

Types of metrics include:

The different metrics included are:

  • Counters: Cumulative measurements that only increase (e.g., request count).
  • Gauges: Measurements that can go up or down (e.g., CPU usage).
  • Histograms: Distributions of measurements (e.g., request duration).

Metrics allow for proactive monitoring, helping you catch performance issues early, track resource utilization trends, and set up alerts for anomalies. This leads to better system stability and optimized resource management.


Logs capture event-based information from your application, providing detailed context on specific operations, errors, or status changes. While logs are traditionally used for debugging, when integrated with traces and metrics in OpenTelemetry, they provide even richer insights by correlating events with system-wide behaviors.

The OpenTelemetry log data model includes:

  • Timestamp: When the log event occurred.
  • Severity: The importance or urgency of the log message.
  • Body: The main content of the log message.
  • Attributes: Additional context for the log event.

Logs serve as a detailed record of your application's internal operations. By correlating logs with traces and metrics, you gain deeper context when investigating issues, making it easier to troubleshoot errors and track anomalies in real time.

By combining these components, OpenTelemetry provides a holistic view of your application's behavior and performance. Let us take an example of a food delivery app,

  • Logs capture details of a failed payment.
  • Traces show that the issue occurred during the payment gateway step.
  • Metrics reveal an increase in payment failures over the last hour, helping the team identify and resolve the issue quickly.

Comparing OpenTelemetry and Traditional Logging: Pros and Cons

OpenTelemetryTraditional Logging
Setup ComplexityRequires a more complex setup and learning curve for instrumentation and configuration.Easier to set up, with minimal instrumentation required.
ScalabilityDesigned to scale with distributed systems and high traffic environments.Can cause performance issues as log volume increases significantly.
Monitoring ScopeProvides a complete observability solution for distributed systems and microservices.Best suited for monolithic systems and simpler applications.
Analysis ToolsCompatible with various backends and advanced observability platforms (e.g., SigNoz, Jaeger).Logs are typically analyzed using log management tools (e.g., ELK stack).
CostMay incur additional costs for storage and processing due to high data volume (logs + metrics + traces).Typically lower in cost due to smaller data volumes.
Real-Time InsightsOffers real-time insights with detailed information on traces, metrics, and logs.Provides near real-time visibility but lacks multi-dimensional insights.
Performance OverheadLow overhead for telemetry collection due to efficient data sampling and aggregation.Can introduce performance overhead if log volumes are too high.

To help you decide between OpenTelemetry and traditional logging, let's compare their strengths and weaknesses:

FeatureOpenTelemetryTraditional Logging
ProsComprehensive observability with traces, metrics, and logs
Rich context and correlation between telemetry data
Standardized, vendor-neutral approach
Scalable for complex, distributed systems
Future-proof observability strategySimple to implement and understand
Widely supported by existing tools and platforms
Minimal performance impact for basic logging
Sufficient for simple applications and specific use cases
ConsSteeper learning curve for implementation
Requires changes to existing codebases
May introduce slight performance overheadLimited context across services
Lack of standardization across different systems
Can become unwieldy in complex, distributed environments
May require additional tools for comprehensive analysis

When to Choose OpenTelemetry Over Traditional Logging

OpenTelemetry is particularly well-suited for:

  • Complex, distributed systems: If your application spans multiple services or microservices, OpenTelemetry's tracing capabilities can provide invaluable insights into request flows and performance bottlenecks.
  • High-scale applications: OpenTelemetry's efficient data collection and processing make it suitable for applications generating large volumes of telemetry data.
  • Cross-service correlation: When you need to understand how different parts of your system interact, OpenTelemetry's unified approach to telemetry data is extremely helpful.
  • Future-proofing: If you're building a new application or planning for long-term observability, OpenTelemetry's growing ecosystem and vendor-neutral approach make it a smart choice.
  • Performance optimization: OpenTelemetry's detailed tracing and metrics can help you identify and resolve performance issues more effectively than traditional logging alone.

Implementing OpenTelemetry in Your Application

To integrate OpenTelemetry into your existing project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose an OpenTelemetry SDK:
  • Select the SDK for your programming language (e.g., Java, Python, .NET, Go).
  • Install the SDK and required dependencies.
  1. Instrument Your Application:
  • Add instrumentation code to key points in your application to collect telemetry data.
  • Use SDK-specific APIs to create spans, record metrics, and emit logs.
  • Consider using automatic instrumentation tools to simplify the process.
  1. Configure Exporters:
  • Set up exporters to send telemetry data to your desired backend, such as Jaeger, Zipkin, or SigNoz.
  • Configure the exporter's settings, such as the backend's URL, authentication credentials, and sampling rate.
  1. Test and Validate:
  • Verify that telemetry data is collected and exported correctly.
  • Use your chosen observability backend to explore traces, metrics, and logs.
  • Test different scenarios and ensure that your instrumentation is capturing the desired data.
  1. Optimize Instrumentation:
  • Review your instrumentation and identify areas where it can be improved.
  • Consider adding additional spans or metrics to provide more detailed insights.
  • Optimize instrumentation to minimize performance overhead.
  1. Integrate with Other Tools:
  • Integrate OpenTelemetry with other tools in your observability stack, such as alerting systems, analytics platforms, or visualization tools.
  • Leverage the rich ecosystem of OpenTelemetry-compatible tools to enhance your monitoring capabilities.

An Example

Here's a basic example of setting up OpenTelemetry in a Python application:

  1. Install Dependencies:
  • Use pip to install the required OpenTelemetry libraries.

    pip install opentelemetry-sdk opentelemetry-exporter-otlp opentelemetry-exporter-json
  1. Initialize TracerProvider:
  • Create a TracerProvider instance to manage the tracing context.

    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import ConsoleSpanExporter, SpanExportResult
    from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
    from opentelemetry.exporter.json.trace_exporter import JSONSpanExporter
    tracer_provider = TracerProvider()
    tracer = tracer_provider.get_tracer(__name__)
  1. Instrument Your Application:
  • Use the Tracer to create spans and record metrics.

    with tracer.start_as_current_span("example_operation"):
        # Your application logic here
        print("Performing some work...")
  1. Configure Exporter:
  • Set up the exporter to send telemetry data to your chosen backend.

    json_exporter = JSONSpanExporter(file_path='telemetry_output.json')  # To write to a file
    # or
    json_exporter = JSONSpanExporter()  # To output to console
    # Add the JSON exporter to the tracer provider
  1. Test and Validate:
  • Run your application and verify that telemetry data is collected and exported to your backend.
  • Use your observability backend to explore traces, metrics, and logs.

This exports the following JSON data into a file located at the mentioned file_path

    "resource": {
        "attributes": {
            "": "your_service_name"
    "spans": [
            "name": "example_operation",
            "kind": "SPAN_KIND_INTERNAL",
            "start_time": "2024-10-06T00:00:00Z",
            "end_time": "2024-10-06T00:00:01Z",
            "attributes": {
                "attribute1": "value1",
                "attribute2": "value2"

When implementing OpenTelemetry, consider these common pitfalls:

  • Over-instrumentation: Don't trace or measure everything; focus on critical paths and important metrics.
  • Ignoring error handling: Ensure your instrumentation code handles errors gracefully to avoid impacting your application's stability.
  • Neglecting security: Be cautious about sensitive data in your telemetry; use appropriate masking or filtering techniques.

Enhancing Your Observability with SigNoz

SigNoz is an open-source Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tool that leverages OpenTelemetry to provide comprehensive monitoring and observability for your applications.

Key features of SigNoz are:

  • Full-stack observability: Monitor your entire application stack with traces, metrics, and logs.
  • Custom dashboards: Create tailored visualizations for your specific monitoring needs.
  • Anomaly detection: Identify unusual patterns and potential issues in your application's behavior.
  • Alerting: Set up notifications for critical performance thresholds and errors.

Getting Started with SigNoz and OpenTelemetry

Host SigNoz on your local machine or deploy it in the cloud for more scalability and ease of management. For cloud hosting, you can opt for SigNoz Cloud, which provides a fully managed service. This option allows you to focus on your application without worrying about infrastructure management. To learn more and get started with SigNoz Cloud, refer the SigNoz Cloud page.

SigNoz cloud is the easiest way to run SigNoz. Sign up for a free account and get 30 days of unlimited access to all features. Get Started - Free
CTA You can also install and self-host SigNoz yourself since it is open-source. With 18,000+ GitHub stars, open-source SigNoz is loved by developers. Find the instructions to self-host SigNoz.

Instrumentation with OpenTelemetry

Instrumentation is crucial for collecting telemetry data. OpenTelemetry provides libraries and APIs to instrument your applications seamlessly. Here’s how to set it up in your Python application:

  1. Install OpenTelemetry Libraries.
  2. Initialize the Tracer.
  3. Instrument Your Application Code.

Sending Data to SigNoz

Once you have instrumented your application, it’s time to send the telemetry data to SigNoz for storage, analysis, and visualization. To send data to SigNoz, follow these steps:

  1. Run Your Application: Execute your application as you normally would. The OpenTelemetry instrumentation automatically collect trace data and send it to the SigNoz endpoint specified in your OTLP exporter configuration.
  2. Access SigNoz Dashboard: After running your application, navigate to the SigNoz dashboard. Here, you can explore the collected traces, metrics, and logs. Use the dashboard to create custom visualizations and set up alerts based on performance thresholds.
  3. Analyze Performance: With data flowing into SigNoz, you can analyze application performance, identify bottlenecks, and proactively address any issues that may arise.

How SigNoz and OpenTelemetry Work Together

SigNoz and OpenTelemetry together allow:

  • Seamless Integration: SigNoz is built to work natively with OpenTelemetry, meaning you can easily set up instrumentation for your applications without worrying about compatibility issues. By collecting telemetry data using OpenTelemetry, you can directly feed it into SigNoz for analysis and visualization.
  • Rich Telemetry Data: OpenTelemetry allows you to collect detailed traces, metrics, and logs, which are essential for diagnosing issues in your application. When this data is sent to SigNoz, you gain powerful insights into application performance, latency, and user experience.
  • Enhanced Troubleshooting: Combining OpenTelemetry’s detailed tracing capabilities with SigNoz’s visualization tools allows you to quickly identify and resolve issues. You can correlate logs with traces and metrics, giving you a comprehensive view of what went wrong and where.

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Legacy Logs with OpenTelemetry

If you're transitioning from traditional logging to OpenTelemetry, you can bridge the gap between these approaches:

  • Use the OpenTelemetry Collector: Configure the collector to ingest your existing logs alongside OpenTelemetry data.
  • Transform logs: Use the collector's processors to convert traditional logs into the OpenTelemetry log format.
  • Enrich log data: Add trace and span IDs to your logs to correlate them with OpenTelemetry traces.
  • Gradual migration: Start by instrumenting critical services with OpenTelemetry while maintaining existing logging practices, then expand coverage over time.

Example of configuring the OpenTelemetry Collector to ingest and transform logs:

    include: [ /path/to/your/logs/*.log ]
    start_at: beginning

      - key: log.source
        value: legacy_app
        action: insert

    endpoint: your-backend:4317

      receivers: [filelog]
      processors: [attributes]
      exporters: [otlp]

This configuration ingests logs from files, adds a custom attribute, and exports them in the OpenTelemetry format.

Key Takeaways

  • OpenTelemetry provides a more comprehensive and context-rich observability solution than traditional logging.
  • Traditional logging excels in simpler applications or specific use cases.
  • The choice between OpenTelemetry and logging depends on your application's complexity, scalability needs, and observability requirements.
  • Implementing OpenTelemetry can future-proof your observability strategy and provide better insights into distributed systems.
  • Tools like SigNoz can help you leverage OpenTelemetry for full-stack observability.


What are the main differences between OpenTelemetry and traditional logging?

OpenTelemetry provides a unified approach to collecting traces, metrics, and logs, offering rich context and correlation between different telemetry data types. Traditional logging focuses primarily on recording events and information in text files or structured formats, often lacking the broader context and standardization that OpenTelemetry provides.

Can OpenTelemetry completely replace traditional logging?

While OpenTelemetry can handle many logging use cases, it may not completely replace traditional logging in all scenarios. Some applications, especially those with specific compliance requirements or simpler architectures, may still benefit from traditional logging approaches. However, OpenTelemetry can significantly enhance your observability strategy when used alongside or as a replacement for traditional logging.

How does OpenTelemetry impact application performance compared to logging?

OpenTelemetry is designed to have a minimal performance impact, but it may introduce a slight overhead compared to basic logging. However, the rich context and insights provided by OpenTelemetry often outweigh this minimal performance cost. Additionally, OpenTelemetry's efficient data collection and processing make it more scalable for high-volume telemetry data than traditional logging approaches.

Is it possible to use both OpenTelemetry and traditional logging in the same application?

Yes, it's possible and often beneficial to use both OpenTelemetry and traditional logging in the same application, especially during a transition period. You can use OpenTelemetry's log integration features to correlate your existing logs with traces and metrics, providing a more comprehensive view of your application's behavior. This hybrid approach allows you to leverage the strengths of both systems while gradually moving towards a more unified observability strategy.

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