Creating Cloud SQL


This document guides you on how to launch the Cloud SQL instance on GCP.

Launch Cloud SQL instance

  • On the GCP Console, search for SQL, and navigate to the SQL GCP service. Click on CREATE INSTANCE button.
Create Cloud SQL Instance

Create Cloud SQL Instance

  • You can choose any database engine of your choice: MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQL Server. In this case, we will choose MySQL. Click on Choose MySQL button.
Choose MySQL

Choose MySQL

  • Choose an appropriate Cloud SQL edition as per your requirements. Same for Edition Preset.
  • It is recommended to choose the latest Database version. We are choosing MySQL 8.0.
Create Cloud SQL Instance

Create Cloud SQL Instance

  • Provide an appropriate Instance ID for your instance. This is the name of your database instance.
  • Provide an appropriate Password for the root user. Note this password with you as this would be required later for connecting to the root user.
  • Choose Region and Zonal availability as per your requirement.
Create Cloud SQL Instance Continued..

Create Cloud SQL Instance Continued..

  • Click on SHOW CONFIGURATION OPTIONS tab on the bottom.
  • Click on the Connections dropdown, and ensure that Public IP is enabled.
  • In the Connections section itself, click on ADD A NETWORK button, and in the textboxes that show up, provide a name to the network, say public, and in the Network textbox, put the value as With this we will be accepting the connections from all the IP addresses. Click on Done.
Add a Network

Add a Network

Provide Network Configuration

Provide Network Configuration

  • In case you want the logs related to all the statements being executed on the database, you need to turn on the general_log flag. For this, click on the Flags dropdown. From Choose a flag dropdown, choose general_log, and ensure the Value is On. Click on Done.
⚠️ Warning

Turning the general_log flag on will start logging all the queries made to the database including the heartbeat queries. This might lead to a huge increase in the number of logs impacting the cost.

Add Database Flag

Add Database Flag

Add general_log Flag

Add general_log Flag

  • Click on CREATE INSTANCE button at the bottom of the page to create the Cloud SQL instance.
  • It might take around 5 minutes to create the Cloud SQL instance.

Connecting to Cloud SQL instance

  • Go the Cloud SQL instance's page.
  • The Public IP mentioned on this page can be used as the host.
Public IP of the Cloud SQL Instance

Public IP of the Cloud SQL Instance

  • The port for connecting to the MySQL instance will be 3306.
  • For user root, the password will be the one provided by you while creating the CloudSQL instance.
  • You can create more users by going to the Users page from the left navigation menu.
  • You can look for the available databases in this instance by navigating to the Databases page from the left navigation menu. You can also choose to create a new database on this page.

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