Troubleshooting - FAQs

How to run SigNoz in debug mode?

You might want to follow our troubleshooting docs.

Refer here:

How do I know if SigNoz is accessible from my Application?

We have a troubleshooting guide to check if SigNoz is accessible from your application or not or, is the instrumentation not working or the application is not instrumented in the first place?

Set OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER=console and observe. If it doesn’t output the traces to the stdout, the instrumentation is not working or your application isn’t correctly instrumented in the first place.

Refer here:

I have installed SigNoz on Windows Kubernetes, but I can't make it work.

We don't support Microsoft Windows as of now.

We rely on the semantic conventions provided by OpenTelemetry. Every unique  configured and received is part of the service list. You can read more about it from our docs.

My services are not showing up in the Service Map section (but present in the services and traces tab), what should I do?

You might need to zoom out a bit to see your service. Also, if you’re getting started the service map shows services from the sample hotrod application. Since your services are not connected to the hotrod application, it will appear isolated.

I am trying to change the retention period of Traces but the process gets stuck everytime.

The process to change the retention period is resource-intensive, especially if you have a large amount of data ingested. The TTL (Time-to-Live) status table in the Signoz SQLite database may be stuck, preventing the retention period change from completing.

If process is stuck then you clear TTL table to try again.

  1. You can connect to SQLite DB and clear TTL status table to allow updating retention setting. If you are using docker follow below steps:
  • Connect to query-service
docker exec -it query-service sh
  1. Run the following commands:
  • Install sqlite
apk update
apk add sqlite
  • Open sqlite with signoz.db
sqlite3 /var/lib/signoz/signoz.db
  • (sqlite shell) check existing ttl status
select * from ttl_status;
  • Delete all rows of ttl_status
DELETE FROM ttl_status;