Folks! Great to have you over for our monthly product update aka Signal #04. This month we made great strides in both our frontend and backend pods. Metrics ingestion, testing frameworks, improved tracking features for gRPC calls and much more!

Cover Image

We also crossed 200+ members on our slack community 🎉🎉🎉

Let's dive in to see what humans at SigNoz have been upto!

What we shipped?

This month, we enabled metrics ingestion through SigNoz, implemented Cypress for frontend testing and you can now track erros in gRPC calls with SigNoz.

Latest Release link: v0.3.6

Metrics Ingestion

We have enabled metrics ingestion through SigNoz. We are battle testing this for corner cases, but here's a sneak peek for you. This was one of the most demanded features by our users and we are excited to see how the community utilizes it.

Expect a formal release in the coming weeks. If you want to beta test this feature, just write to us at

You will be able to track metrics like CPU load and visualize it through SigNoz. A sneak peek into our CPU load metrics charts 👇

SigNoz dashboard showing metrics like CPU load
Track and visualize critical performance metrics like CPU load with SigNoz

Enabled Cypress for a more robust frontend

Cypress is a Javascript-based end-to-end testing framework which can run in the browser making asynchronous testing simple and convenient. We have enabled Cypress for our front-end testing so that we can ship out error-free UIs which our users enjoy.

Cypress frontend testing framework
Testing SigNoz UI with Cypress

Error tracking for gRPC calls

gRPC is a popular Remote Procedure Call framework used in microservices to make calls between services. We have enabled error tracking for gRPC service calls in SigNoz. Users using gRPC for communicating with services can now track gRPC calls returning error.

Enabling 1-click deploy of SigNoz on Digital Ocean

We're striving everyday to make things easier for our users. On that front, we want to make it very simple for users to install and get started with SigNoz.

Digital Ocean is a very popular cloud infrastructure provider used by a lot of devs. We want our users to have a simple single click install experience for SigNoz on Digital Ocean. We will appreciate if any of you wants to share any inputs on the GitHub issue.

What's upcoming?

We will be working primarily on metrics and alerts. As we have enabled metrics ingestion now, we will be testing out following metrics receivers:

You can find the complete list of receivers for which metrics ingestion pipeline will work here.

Alerts are a critical component for any monitoring solution. We are currently scoping out requirements for a user-friendly alert system. You can expect a beta version in the next rollout.

SigNoz news

Expanding our team

We are elated to welcome [Palash Gupta] to our team as a core-team member working on SigNoz. He will be leading the front-end charter for SigNoz 🎉

Palash comes with an extensive experience of working on scalable frontend technologies in high-growth tech startups. He is passionate about the power of open-source software, trekking and finding gems of Hindi poems. 🕺

Find out open roles at SigNoz.

ClickHouse Community Call

We joined folks at ClickHouse for their community call to showcase how we use ClickHouse for storing observability data. ClickHouse is a very fast OLAP database perfect for storing and analyzing huge amounts of telemetry data. Find some of the reasons for using ClickHouse in the picture below.

clickhouse community call

You can also find the complete recordings of the virtual meetup here 👇

August Community Call

In our monthly community call, Ankit Nayan took the members through an architectural deep-dive of SigNoz where he explained the components used and the rationale behind architectural choices of SigNoz. You can find the full recordings of the call below 👇

We are planning to conduct performance benchmarks for SigNoz. We would love to hear your suggestions on better performance testing 👇

SigNoz Performance Benchmarking

Slack community

We recently crossed 200+ members on our slack community. Our slack channel is a place where devs from diverse backgrounds come together to collaborate and we love it!

Join us in our wonderful journey as we build the next-gen application monitoring & observability platform, the OSS way 👇

Join SigNoz slack community

From our blog

Are you thinking of using Jaeger as a distributed tracing tool? You might want to take some time to go through this article elaborating how SigNoz is taking distributed tracing to the next level. Not only that, SigNoz does both metrics and traces. With SigNoz, you can get a unified UI for both metrics and traces. And that is just one of the reasons to choose SigNoz over Jaeger.

Find out the entire list of reasons here 👇

Jaeger vs SigNoz - Taking distributed tracing to the next level

Thank you for taking out the time to read this issue :) If you have any feedback or want any changes with the format, please create an issue.