Installation - FAQs

Where can I get the SigNoz Docker images?

Find the SigNoz Docker images here:

Can I install SigNoz without Docker?

No, it is not supported as of today.

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Please add your use case on the issue so that we can understand how much community demand there is for this.

Is it mandatory to install SigNoz on every server and map the required IP?

No, you do not have to install SigNoz on every server. Just configure the application in server-A(say) to send data to SigNoz running in server-B (say). Make sure the network settings are taken care of.

It is recommended to install SigNoz in an independent VM or K8s cluster apart from that where the application is hosted. You need to point the applications to the IP of the SigNoz machine to send the telemetry data. You can get started here.

I am not seeing my Old Data after migrating to a newer version, what am I doing wrong?

You might need to run migration scripts to see your old data.

Refer here: Migration Docs

What is the difference between the OpenTelemetry Collector and OpenTelemetry Metrics Collector with the Helm Chart?

We are creating application metrics from traces and exposing them at the OpenTelemetry Collector level using the Prometheus exporter.

We use the OpenTelemetry Collector Metrics to scrape application metrics from other metrics exporters and write to ClickHouse DB.

How to increase persistent volume for ClickHouse DB in Kubernetes? Is the default volume 20GB?

Yes, the default size is 20 GB. You can refer to the docs here for increasing the persistent volume for ClickHouse.

I do not want to increase the storage space but wanted to delete the older metrics and traces to free up the disk space; what should I do?

The quick and easy way would be to first increase disk space, wait for some time, and then set TTL to auto-remove old traces/metrics.

Follow the guide below to increase the ClickHouse persistent volume size:

Increase the ClickHouse Persistent Volume Size

I want to monitor different AWS services like RDS, APIGateway, and Lambda for my serverless application. How can that be achieved?

You can use AWS metric receivers available here and send data to the SigNoz OTel collector. You can then visualize your metrics in SigNoz dashboards.

Check this section in the docs for more information.

Are there any guides or use cases for using SigNoz with AWS / GCP / Azure or other cloud providers?

You can install SigNoz in AWS / GCP / Azure with Helm charts if you are using Kubernetes. More details here:

How to install SigNoz on Kubernetes with Helm

My pods are in waiting for the state. What could be the reason for it?

It can be caused by insufficient resources on your machine. It can also be caused by unhealthy ClickHouse POD. Other possible causes could be:

I am not seeing a move to the AWS S3 option for cold storage on the SigNoz UI, what to do?

To get the S3 option, you have to configure S3 first.

Refer to the docs here.