Python's logging module is a powerful tool for tracking events in your applications. However, developers often encounter a frustrating issue: log messages appear twice. This duplication can clutter your logs, making debugging more challenging and potentially impacting application performance. Let's dive into the causes of this problem and explore effective solutions to ensure your logs are clean, accurate, and helpful.

Understanding the Duplicate Log Message Problem

Duplicate log messages occur when the same log entry is recorded more than once. This redundancy is not just annoying—it can lead to confusion during debugging and unnecessarily bloat your log files. The primary factors behind this issue are:

  1. Multiple handlers attached to the same logger: A frequent cause of duplicate log messages is having several log handlers configured. In Python's logging system, handlers determine where the log messages go, such as to a file, console, or network. When multiple handlers are set up to handle the same messages, each one processes the message, leading to duplicates in your output.
  2. Multiple Loggers: If multiple loggers are used for the same events, you might end up with duplicates. This usually happens when different parts of the code use different loggers or if the loggers aren't set up to share the same handler. Each logger might generate its own log entry, leading to redundant messages.
  3. Improper configuration of logger hierarchies: If you attach a handler to a logger and also to one or more of its ancestor loggers, you might see the same log message appear multiple times. This happens because loggers are organized in a hierarchy, and if handlers aren’t managed properly across parent and child loggers, you could end up with duplicates. To avoid this, make sure handlers are attached only to the specific loggers you want and not to their ancestor loggers.
  4. Unintended logger inheritance in multi-module applications: In larger applications with multiple modules, you might run into issues where log entries show up more than once. This happens because if a logger in one module inherits handlers from a parent module, the same log message can get processed multiple times if both the parent and child loggers have their own handlers. To prevent this from happening, it's a good idea to set up and manage loggers for each module separately.

We'll revisit these points for a more detailed discussion later in the article.

Root Logger vs. Child Logger Behavior

Understanding the hierarchy of loggers in Python is crucial for preventing duplicates. The logging module uses a tree-like structure:

  • The root logger sits at the top of the hierarchy. It is the default logger created automatically by python’s logging module. It is responsible for capturing all log messages unless explicitly overridden. This logger is initialized with a default configuration such as the default level is set to WARNING and it can be accessed using logging.getLogger() without any arguments. It can be customized with handlers and formatters.

  • Child loggers are explicitly created using dot notation, forming a hierarchy such as A.B.C represents, A as a child logger of the root logger, A.B as child logger of parent logger A and similarly, A.B.C as a child of parent logger A.B.

    Root Logger (implicitly '')
    ├── A (Logger 'A')
    |   |
    |   ├── A.B (Logger 'A.B')
    |       |
    |       └── A.B.C (Logger 'A.B.C')

    Child loggers inherit configuration from their parent loggers, but they can also have their own handlers, formatters, and levels. This allows for fine-grained control over logging output at different parts of an application.

Quick Guide: Fixing Duplicate Logs in Python

Before diving into detailed solutions, here's a quick checklist to address common causes of duplicate logs:

  1. Check for multiple handlers: Ensure you're not adding redundant handlers to your root loggers.

    The root logger sits at the top of the logger hierarchy. If there's an extra handler attached to it that we don’t need, it might cause messages to be duplicated, and it’s a good to remove it.

    Firstly, let’s list all handlers attached to the root logger:

    import logging
    # Setup root logger with multiple handlers
    root_logger = logging.getLogger()
    # Adding multiple handlers for demonstration
    handler1 = logging.StreamHandler()
    handler2 = logging.StreamHandler()
    # Check the handlers
    for handler in root_logger.handlers:


    <StreamHandler (NOTSET)>
    <StreamHandler (NOTSET)>

    This indicates that two StreamHandler instances are attached to the root logger. We can then remove the redundant handlers by:

    if len(root_logger.handlers) > 0:
        # Remove the first handler

    Now, let’s verify if they have been removed.

    for handler in root_logger.handlers:


    <StreamHandler (NOTSET)>
  2. Change logger.propagate settings for loggers:

    1. Centralized logging with logger.propagate=true : If you have several loggers in your application, each with its own handler, it can lead to duplicate log messages in your output. This can be solved by attaching a single handler to the root logger and letting log messages propagate up to it. This approach consolidates logging and prevents duplication.

    2. Isolated logger handling with logger.propagate=false : If you have a custom logger for a specific module with its own handler to isolate that component in your application, enabling propagation propagate = True could lead to duplicate log entries. This happens because the custom logger’s handler processes the log messages, and the same messages are then propagated to the root logger’s handler, resulting in redundancy. To avoid this duplication, you should set propagate = False on the custom logger, ensuring that its log messages are not forwarded to the root logger and preventing multiple outputs of the same log entry.

import logging

# Setup root logger (implicitly named '')
root_logger = logging.getLogger()  
root_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# Child Logger 1: Has its own handler
child_logger1 = logging.getLogger('A')  # This logger is a child of the root logger
child_handler1 = logging.StreamHandler()
child_logger1.propagate = False  # Prevents messages from being sent to parent loggers

# Child Logger 2: No custom handler
child_logger2 = logging.getLogger('A.B')  # This logger is a child of 'A'
# No handler added to child_logger2
child_logger2.propagate = True  # Messages will be sent to parent loggers

# Child Logger 3: No custom handler
child_logger3 = logging.getLogger('A.B.C')  # This logger is a child of 'A.B'
# No handler added to child_logger3
child_logger3.propagate = True  # Messages will be sent to parent loggers

# Logging messages
root_logger.debug('Debug message from root logger.')
child_logger1.debug('Debug message from child_logger1.')  # Handled only by child_logger1's handler
child_logger2.debug('Debug message from child_logger2.')  # Propagates up to 'A' and handled by root logger
child_logger3.debug('Debug message from child_logger3.')  # Propagates up to 'A.B', then 'A', and finally to the root logger

In the above code, child_logger1 has its own custom handler and so we used propagate=false whereas for child_logger2 and child_logger3 that requires no custom handler, we’ve set the propagation to true.


Debug message from root logger.
Debug message from child_logger1.
Debug message from child_logger2.
Debug message from child_logger3.
  1. Centralize logger configuration: Use a consistent configuration approach across your application. Take a look at how loggers are used in your codebase. Ensure that the same logger is used consistently throughout the application. If you find that different loggers are being used for the same events, try consolidating them into a single logger. This will help prevent duplicate log entries and keep your logging clean and manageable. Let’s take an example,

    import logging
    # Setup root logger (implicitly named '')
    root_logger = logging.getLogger()
    root_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    # Setup first logger
    logger1 = logging.getLogger('logger1')
    # No handler added to logger1, so it will propagate up to root_logger
    # Setup second logger
    logger2 = logging.getLogger('logger2')
    # No handler added to logger2, so it will propagate up to root_logger
    # Log a message with both loggers
    logger1.debug('This is a debug message.')
    logger2.debug('This is a debug message.')


    This is a debug message.
    This is a debug message.

    As you can see, the root logger outputs the same log entry twice in the output. In order to avoid this duplication, it is recommended to consolidate such loggers into one such as:

    # Create a single logger
    consolidated_logger = logging.getLogger('consolidated_logger')
    # Add a handler to the consolidated logger
    file_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    # Log messages with the consolidated logger
    consolidated_logger.debug('This is a debug message.')


    This is a debug message.

Identifying Sources of Duplicate Logging

To effectively tackle duplicate logs, you need to identify their source. Here are some strategies:

  1. Examine configuration files: Review your logging configuration files (e.g., logging.conf or log_config.yaml) for any inconsistencies or redundant handlers. In larger applications, especially those with multiple modules, it's important to configure loggers in each module independently. This helps ensure that loggers don’t unintentionally inherit or duplicate configurations from other modules, keeping your logging setup clean and effective.

  2. Use debug statements: Temporarily add debug prints to trace the flow of log messages through your application. To make sure handlers aren't triggered multiple times for the same log entry, you can include specific handlers in your configuration. Additionally, you might temporarily insert trace-level logs to pinpoint exactly where log messages are being generated and processed. This can help you spot any redundant log processing paths and clean up your logging setup.

  3. Analyze handler setup: Check each module for logger and handler configurations. Check for instances where handlers might be added multiple times. Make sure that each handler is added only once to each logger. Adding handlers to both parent and child loggers can lead to messages being processed more than once. To prevent this, remove handlers from parent loggers if you want to avoid duplication in child loggers.

    # In the parent logger
    logger_a = logging.getLogger('app')
    for handler in logger_a.handlers[:]:
    # Add handlers only to specific loggers
  4. Inspect multi-module interactions: In complex applications, loggers from different modules may interact unexpectedly. Pay special attention to imported modules and their logging setups. Let’s take an example,

    # module_ a
    import logging
    # Module A configures a logger with a file handler
    logger = logging.getLogger('app')
    file_handler = logging.FileHandler('module_a.log')
    file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
    # Set logger level to DEBUG
    # module_b 
    # Module B reconfigures the same logger name with a console handler
    logger = logging.getLogger('app')  # Same logger name as module_a
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
    # Overwrites previous logging level to ERROR
    # main module
    from module_a import logger as logger_a
    from module_b import logger as logger_b
    # Ensuring basic config in main
    # This can interfere with module settings
    # Intended for file, will not appear if overridden
    logger_a.debug('Debug message from module_a')
    # Intended for console  
    logger_b.error('Error message from module_b')  


    ERROR: Error message from module_b
    ERROR:app:Error message from module_b

    The logger in module_b configured with a console handler affects the logger’s behavior set in module_a. The output ERROR:app:Error message from module_b shows that module_b's console handler is overriding module_a's file handler, causing all messages to appear on the console instead of the file.

    • Trace Imports and Initializations: Check that modules aren’t initializing or configuring logging in ways that might cause unexpected interactions.

      The logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) call in [m]( affects the global logging configuration and can override settings from modules. In this case, it doesn’t directly impact the output, but it can cause unexpected behavior if configurations are not isolated properly. For instance, if basicConfig had set different handlers or levels, it might have altered the logging setup of module_a and module_b.

    • Consistency in Logger Naming: Ensure logger names are used consistently across modules. Inconsistent naming can lead to confusion, accidental overlap, or misconfiguration. Both module_a and module_b uses the same logger name app. The output ERROR:app:Error message from module_b demonstrates that using the same name for loggers across modules can lead to overlapping configurations. The console_handler from module_b is taking effect and overriding the file_handler from module_a.

    • Module-Specific Configurations: Verify that modules with unique logging needs have their configurations properly isolated. This helps prevent unintended interactions with other modules. The logger in module_b reconfigures the same logger name app that module_a configured. This results in all log messages being handled by module_b’s console handler due to the level set to ERROR. This shows that configurations meant for different modules are interfering with each other because they’re not isolated, causing logs to be handled in a manner that wasn’t intended.

Step-by-Step Solutions for Common Scenarios

Let's address some specific situations where duplicate logs often occur:

Fixing duplicate logs in a single module

Use logging.getLogger(__name__) to create module-specific loggers. Loggers come with various attributes and methods but remember that you should never instantiate them directly. Always use the module-level function logging.getLogger(name) to get a logger. Multiple calls to getLogger() with the same name will return a reference to the same Logger object. To avoid confusion, make sure you don’t initialize multiple loggers with the same name. It's best to initialize your logger with a specific name parameter, like this:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(name)

Resolving issues in multi-module applications

  1. Create a Central Logging Configuration: Set up a central logging configuration function or file to maintain a single source of truth for your logging setup. This ensures consistency across various modules and simplifies updates to logging settings.
  2. Import and Use the Central Configuration: Import this configuration into all your modules. This way, you avoid discrepancies and ensure that every part of your application follows the same logging setup.
  3. Avoid Adding Handlers in Individual Modules: Unless absolutely necessary, don’t add handlers in individual modules. This helps prevent duplicate log entries. Instead, rely on the central configuration to handle the setup of handlers.

Here’s an example:

# In
import logging

def configure_logging():
    logger = logging.getLogger('app')
    logger.propagate = False
    handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# In other modules
from logging_config import configure_logging
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('app.module_name')

In the example, we import configure_logging and get our loggers from the central configuration. By calling configure_logging() in each module, we apply the central logging setup without adding extra handlers in the individual modules. This approach helps avoid duplicate log entries and ensures a consistent logging configuration across the application.

Addressing duplicates in web frameworks (e.g., Django)

Web frameworks often have their own logging configurations. To prevent duplicates:

  1. Review the framework's default logging setup. Frameworks like Django typically have predefined handlers and loggers which might conflict with your custom configuration if not properly managed.
  2. Customize the configuration to suit your needs without adding redundant handlers.
  3. Use the framework's recommended logging practices.
  4. Address Duplicate Logs Due to Django’s Auto-Reloading Feature. If you’re using Django’s development server (runserver) with DEBUG set to True, you might notice that log messages are output twice. This happens because the auto-reloader process initializes the application a second time. To avoid this issue, you can run the server with the --noreload option:
bashCopy code
python runserver --noreload

This prevents the auto-reloader from running and avoids the duplication of log messages. Alternatively, you can investigate why run is called twice in the Django dev server context to better understand and handle this behavior.

If you need to address this at a more granular level, you can modify the server command to prevent initialization code from running twice. Here’s an example of how you can detect if the process is running in the auto-reloader and skip certain initialization code:

import os
from import Command as RunserverCommand

class Command(RunserverCommand):
    def run(self, *args, **options):
        if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN') != 'true':
            self.stdout.write('About to start running on ' + self.addr)
        super(Command, self).run(*args, **options)

In this advanced solution:

  • Environment Variable Check: The code checks for the RUN_MAIN environment variable, which Django sets to 'true' in the process spawned by the auto-reloader.
  • Conditional Execution: It ensures that specific initialization code only runs in the main process and not in the auto-reloaded process.

For Django, you might configure logging in

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
    'root': {
        'handlers': ['console'],
        'level': 'INFO',

Advanced Techniques for Complex Applications

For a more sophisticated logging needs, let us consider these advanced techniques:

Using filter objects to control log output

Filters provide fine-grained control over which log records are output. It let us fine-tune which log records are output. This allows us to meet specific logging needs, such as filtering out duplicate messages or focusing on particular types of log entries.

class DuplicateFilter(logging.Filter):
    def __init__(self):
        self.msgs = set()

    def filter(self, record):
        rv = record.msg not in self.msgs
        return rv

logger = logging.getLogger()

# Example usage"This message will be logged only once.")"This message will be logged only once.")


2024-09-03 12:47:22,197 - INFO - This message will be logged only once.

This filter ensures that each unique message is logged only once. The DuplicateFilter class achieves this by using a set to track messages that have already been logged. The filter method checks if the message is already in the set; if it isn’t, the message is logged and then added to the set. This approach helps prevent redundant logs and keeps the logging output clear and concise, especially in complex applications.

Implementing custom handlers for specific logging needs

Custom handlers allow you to route logs to specific destinations or process them uniquely:

import logging

# Define a custom handler to prevent duplicates
class DeduplicationHandler(logging.Handler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logged_messages = set()  # Set to keep track of logged messages

    def emit(self, record):
        message = self.format(record)  # Format the log record
        if message not in self.logged_messages:
            self.logged_messages.add(message)  # Add message to the set if not already logged
            print(message)  # Replace this with logic to route the log, e.g., writing to a file or database

# Create a logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Add the custom deduplication handler to the logger
dedup_handler = DeduplicationHandler()

# Example log messages"This is a test log message.")"This is a test log message.")  # This duplicate message will be ignored
logger.error("This is an error message.")
logger.error("This is an error message.")  # This duplicate message will be ignored


2024-09-03 12:48:57,625 - INFO - This is a test log message.
2024-09-03 12:48:57,625 - ERROR - This is an error message.

In the code, we use a CustomDeduplicationHandler that extends logging.Handler and overrides the emit method. This handler uses a logged_messages set to track and prevent duplicate messages. When a log message is emitted, the emit method checks if the message is already in the set. If it’s new, it logs the message and adds it to the set; if it’s a duplicate, it’s ignored. We add this handler to the logger and set the logger to the desired log level.

Strategies for logging in multi-threaded environments

In multi-threaded applications, use thread-safe logging techniques to ensure that log messages from multiple threads are handled correctly and consistently:

  1. Use logging.getLogger() to get thread-safe logger instances, you ensure that the logging system handles concurrency issues internally. So, when we call logging.getLogger(name), it returns a logger instance which is configured to be thread-safe. The logging module manages internal locks to ensure that log records are processed correctly even when multiple threads generate logs simultaneously. Let’s take an example,

    import logging
    # Get a thread-safe logger instance
    logger = logging.getLogger('my_logger')

    Here, the logger instance returned by getLogger() is thread safe. You can use this logger in different threads without worrying about race conditions or data corruption.

  2. Consider using QueueHandler and QueueListener for asynchronous logging. For applications with high logging volume, using QueueHandler and QueueListener can help manage logging asynchronously and reduce contention between threads. QueueHandler sends log records to a queue, which QueueListener processes in a separate thread.

    import logging
    import logging.handlers
    import queue
    import threading
    # Create a queue for log records
    log_queue = queue.Queue()
    # Define a QueueHandler to put log records into the queue
    queue_handler = logging.handlers.QueueHandler(log_queue)
    # Create a logger and add the QueueHandler
    logger = logging.getLogger('my_async_logger')
    # Define a handler to process log records from the queue
    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
    console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s'))
    # Define a QueueListener to process log records
    queue_listener = logging.handlers.QueueListener(log_queue, console_handler)
    # Function to log messages from multiple threads
    def worker():'Log message from worker thread')
    # Start threads
    threads = [threading.Thread(target=worker) for _ in range(5)]
    for t in threads:
    for t in threads:
    # Stop the QueueListener when done

    This setup allows multiple threads to log messages concurrently without blocking each other, as the QueueListener handles log processing asynchronously. After all threads finish logging, the QueueListener is stopped to ensure all messages are processed.

  3. Implement locks if you're creating custom handlers that aren't inherently thread safe. If you create custom log handlers or perform logging in complex multi-threaded environments, you might need to ensure that these custom components are thread safe. For instance, if your custom handler writes to a shared file or database, you should use threading locks to prevent concurrent write operations from causing issues.

    import logging
    import threading
    class ThreadSafeHandler(logging.Handler):
        def __init__(self):
            self.lock = threading.Lock()
        def emit(self, record):
            with self.lock:
                # Example: Write log message to a file
                with open('logfile.log', 'a') as f:
                    f.write(self.format(record) + '\\n')
    # Configure logger to use the custom thread-safe handler
    logger = logging.getLogger('thread_safe_logger')
    handler = ThreadSafeHandler()
    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s'))

    In this example, ThreadSafeHandler uses a lock to synchronize access to the file, ensuring that log messages from different threads are written safely.

Best Practices for Python Logging Configuration

To maintain clean and efficient logging:

  1. Centralize logging configuration: Use a single configuration file or function to set up logging across your application.
  2. Utilize configuration files: Use YAML or JSON files for logging configuration, making it easy to adjust settings without code changes.
# logging_config.yaml
version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: False
    class: logging.StreamHandler
    level: INFO
  level: INFO
  handlers: [console]

This YAML file sets up a simple logging configuration with a console handler that logs messages at the INFO level and above.

  1. Implement environment-specific logging: Adjust logging behavior based on the application's environment (development, staging, production). This ensures that you get the right level of detail depending on where the application is running.
import os
import yaml
import logging.config

env = os.getenv('ENVIRONMENT', 'development')
with open(f'logging_config_{env}.yaml', 'r') as f:
    config = yaml.safe_load(

This code dynamically loads a configuration file based on the ENVIRONMENT variable. For instance, logging_config_development.yaml might include debug-level logging, while logging_config_production.yaml would only include critical errors.

  1. Regularly audit logging behavior: Periodically review your logs to ensure they're providing the necessary information without redundancy and ensure that log outputs align with your application's needs.

Debugging Techniques for Persistent Duplicate Logs

If you're still seeing duplicates after applying the above solutions:

  1. Temporary log isolation: Disable all but one logger to identify the source of duplication. By disabling loggers one by one, you can isolate which logger is causing the duplicates. This helps in narrowing down the root cause of the issue.
logging.getLogger('suspected_logger').disabled = True
  1. Leverage logging.Logger.disabled: Temporarily disable loggers to isolate the issue. Set logger.disabled = True for specific loggers that you suspect might be causing the duplicates. This approach helps you confirm whether a particular logger is involved in generating duplicate messages.

    import logging
    # Disable the logger that might be causing duplicates
    logger = logging.getLogger('app.module')
    logger.disabled = True
    # Perform your tests or operations here
    # Re-enable the logger after testing
    logger.disabled = False

    This method allows you to control which loggers are active and helps determine if disabling certain loggers resolves the duplication problem.

  2. Use log analysis tools: Tools like log_analyzer can help identify patterns in your logs. These tools can help you detect patterns, anomalies, or redundancy in your log messages. They often provide features like filtering, sorting, and visualizing log data to make it easier to spot issues

Enhancing Logging with SigNoz for Distributed Systems

For complex, distributed applications, consider using advanced observability tools like SigNoz. SigNoz offers:

  • Distributed tracing to correlate logs across services. By correlating logs with traces, you can see the end-to-end journey of requests through your system, making it easier to identify performance bottlenecks or errors.
  • Performance metrics alongside logs for comprehensive debugging and to give you a broader view of system behavior, helping you understand the context of logs and troubleshoot issues more effectively.
  • Custom dashboards for visualizing log data and performance metrics in a way that suits your needs, facilitating better monitoring and analysis.

Get started with SigNoz by integrating SigNoz with your Python application:

Install the required packages:

pip install flask opentelemetry-api opentelemetry-sdk opentelemetry-exporter-otlp

We can then setup a sample flask app that sends the logs to SigNoz using OpenTelemetry

import logging
from flask import Flask
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk._logs import LoggerProvider, LoggingHandler
from opentelemetry.sdk._logs.export import BatchLogRecordProcessor
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc._log_exporter import OTLPLogExporter

# Configure OpenTelemetry resources
resource = Resource(attributes={"": "flask-app"})

# Trace configuration
tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)

otlp_span_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(
    endpoint="http://localhost:4317",  # Local SigNoz endpoint
    insecure=True  # Set to True if using HTTP
span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor(otlp_span_exporter)

# Log configuration
logger_provider = LoggerProvider(resource=resource)
otlp_log_exporter = OTLPLogExporter(
    endpoint="http://localhost:4317",  # Local SigNoz endpoint
    insecure=True  # Set to True if using HTTP
otel_handler = LoggingHandler(level=logging.INFO, logger_provider=logger_provider)

# Configure root logger
root_logger = logging.getLogger()

# Initialize Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    with tracer.start_as_current_span("main"):"This log will be correlated with the trace")
    return "Hello, SigNoz!"

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)

Verify by navigating to the SigNoz Logs Dashboard and see if the logs have been received.

SigNoz Logs Dashboard Si
SigNoz Logs Dashboard Si

By correlating logs with traces, SigNoz provides a powerful tool for debugging complex systems and identifying the root cause of issues, including duplicate logs.

Key Takeaways

  • Always check for multiple handlers and logger propagation
  • Use propagate=False for child loggers to prevent duplication
  • Centralize logging configuration for consistency
  • Regularly audit and test logging behavior across modules
  • Consider advanced tools like SigNoz for complex, distributed systems


Why do my Python logs appear twice even with a simple setup?

This often occurs when you have handlers attached to both the root logger and a custom logger. Ensure you're not adding redundant handlers and consider setting propagate=False on your custom logger.

How can I prevent log duplication in Django applications?

Review Django's default logging configuration in Customize it to suit your needs without adding extra handlers. Use Django's LOGGING dictionary to configure loggers, handlers, and formatters consistently.

What's the difference between StreamHandler and FileHandler in Python logging?

StreamHandler outputs logs to a stream (usually sys.stdout or sys.stderr), which typically displays in the console. FileHandler writes log messages to a file. Choose based on where you want your logs to appear.

Can log duplication affect application performance?

Yes, especially in high-volume logging scenarios. Duplicate logs can increase I/O operations, consume more storage, and make log analysis more time-consuming. It's crucial to eliminate duplicates for both clarity and performance reasons.

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