Kubernetes has revolutionized container orchestration, but with great power comes great responsibility—especially when it comes to resource management. Monitoring your Kubernetes pod CPU and memory usage is crucial for maintaining optimal cluster performance and cost-efficiency. Prometheus, a powerful open-source monitoring system, offers robust querying capabilities to help you track these vital metrics. This guide will walk you through essential Prometheus queries to get CPU and memory usage in Kubernetes pods, ensuring you can keep your cluster running smoothly.

Why Monitor Kubernetes Pod Resources?

Resource monitoring in Kubernetes environments is not just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity. Excessive CPU and memory usage can significantly impact cluster performance, leading to slower response times, increased latency, and even pod evictions. By implementing effective monitoring with Prometheus, you gain:

  1. Real-time visibility: Track resource usage across your entire cluster.
  2. Proactive management: Identify and address issues before they escalate.
  3. Optimized scaling: Make informed decisions about when to scale your resources.
  4. Cost control: Avoid over-provisioning and reduce unnecessary expenses.

Understanding Prometheus Queries for Kubernetes Monitoring

Before diving into specific queries, it's essential to grasp the basics of PromQL (Prometheus Query Language). PromQL is the key to unlocking powerful insights from your Kubernetes metrics. Here are some fundamental concepts:

  • Metrics: Time series data with a name and key-value pairs (labels).
  • Selectors: Used to filter and aggregate metrics based on labels.
  • Functions: Manipulate and transform data (e.g., rate(), sum(), avg()).

Key metrics for CPU and memory usage in Kubernetes pods include:

  • container_cpu_usage_seconds_total: Total CPU time consumed by a container.
  • container_memory_usage_bytes: Current memory usage of a container.
  • kube_pod_container_resource_limits: Resource limits set for containers.
  • kube_pod_container_resource_requests: Resource requests set for containers.

It's important to note the difference between container-level and pod-level metrics. Container metrics provide granular data for individual containers, while pod metrics aggregate data across all containers in a pod.

How to Query CPU Usage in Kubernetes Pods with Prometheus

To monitor CPU usage effectively, you'll need to craft queries that provide meaningful insights. Here are some essential queries to get you started:

  1. Basic CPU usage per pod:
sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!=""}[5m])) by (pod)

This query calculates the average CPU usage over the last 5 minutes for each pod.

  1. CPU usage as a percentage of allocated resources:
sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!=""}[5m])) by (pod) /
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource="cpu"}) by (pod) * 100

This query shows CPU usage as a percentage of the pod's CPU limit, helping you identify pods approaching their resource constraints.

  1. Identifying pods with highest CPU consumption:
topk(5, sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!=""}[5m])) by (pod))

Use this query to find the top 5 pods consuming the most CPU resources.

  1. Detecting CPU throttling events:
sum(rate(container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total{container!=""}[5m])) by (pod) > 0

This query helps you identify pods experiencing CPU throttling, which can indicate resource constraints.

Monitoring Memory Usage in Kubernetes Pods

Memory usage is equally critical to monitor. Here are some useful Prometheus queries for tracking memory consumption:

  1. Current memory usage across pods:
sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!=""}) by (pod)

This query shows the current memory usage for each pod in bytes.

  1. Memory usage trends over time:
sum(rate(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!=""}[1h])) by (pod)

Use this query to observe memory usage trends over the past hour.

  1. Identifying potential memory leaks:
sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container!=""}) by (pod) /
sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource="memory"}) by (pod) > 0.8

This query helps you spot pods using more than 80% of their memory limit, which could indicate a memory leak.

  1. Detecting Out of Memory (OOM) events:
kube_pod_container_status_last_terminated_reason{reason="OOMKilled"} == 1

Use this query to identify pods that have been terminated due to OOM events.

Best Practices for Prometheus Queries in Kubernetes

To get the most out of your Prometheus queries for Kubernetes monitoring, follow these best practices:

  1. Use label selectors efficiently: Target specific namespaces or deployments to reduce query complexity and improve performance.
  2. Aggregate metrics wisely: Use functions like sum(), avg(), and max() to get meaningful insights across groups of pods or nodes.
  3. Implement rate() and increase() functions: These functions provide more accurate measurements for counters over time.
  4. Optimize query performance: Use time range selectors judiciously and avoid overly complex queries that may impact Prometheus performance.

Visualizing Kubernetes Resource Usage with Grafana

While Prometheus provides powerful querying capabilities, visualizing the data can enhance your monitoring experience. Grafana, an open-source visualization tool, integrates seamlessly with Prometheus to create informative dashboards. Here are some tips for effective visualization:

  1. Create dedicated panels for CPU and memory usage trends.
  2. Use gauge charts to display current resource utilization percentages.
  3. Implement heat maps to identify patterns in resource usage over time.
  4. Set up alerting rules based on predefined thresholds to proactively manage resources.

Key Takeaways

  • Prometheus offers robust querying capabilities for monitoring Kubernetes pod resources.
  • Effective PromQL queries are essential for gaining accurate insights into CPU and memory usage.
  • Combining CPU and memory metrics provides a comprehensive view of pod health and performance.
  • Regular monitoring and alerting help maintain optimal cluster performance and cost-efficiency.

By mastering Prometheus queries for CPU and memory usage in Kubernetes pods, you'll be well-equipped to maintain a healthy, efficient, and scalable cluster. Remember to continuously refine your monitoring strategy as your Kubernetes environment evolves, ensuring you stay ahead of potential resource issues and optimize your infrastructure for peak performance.

Enhance Your Monitoring with SigNoz

While Prometheus offers powerful monitoring capabilities, managing retention and scaling can become challenging as your infrastructure grows. SigNoz provides a comprehensive monitoring solution that builds upon Prometheus' strengths while addressing its limitations.

SigNoz cloud is the easiest way to run SigNoz. Sign up for a free account and get 30 days of unlimited access to all features. Try SigNoz Cloud
CTA You can also install and self-host SigNoz yourself since it is open-source. With 18,000+ GitHub stars, open-source SigNoz is loved by developers. Find the instructions to self-host SigNoz.

With SigNoz, you can:

  • Scale your monitoring infrastructure effortlessly
  • Access advanced querying and visualization capabilities
  • Benefit from integrated tracing and logging alongside metrics.
  • Get high performance with the clickhouse database
  • Take advantage of SigNoz's exceptional exception monitoring capabilities

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