Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial series where we delve into enhancing the observability of microservices using OpenTelemetry and visualizing them through SigNoz. This journey will cover everything from setting up your environment to correlating logs, traces, and metrics for sophisticated monitoring and analysis.

Series Structures

This tutorial is structured as follows:

  1. Overview - Implementing OpenTelemetry in NodeJS with SigNoz

    Overview about the series structure and pre-requisites. Currently you are here.

  2. Setting Up Docker and Your Local Environment - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Learn how to set up Docker, NodeJS, MongoDB Compass, and Postman for your NodeJS microservices application.

  3. Understanding and Cloning the Sample Application - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Guide to cloning and setting up the sample microservices application for implementing OpenTelemetry.

  4. Autoinstrumentation for Traces - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Simplify telemetry integration with OpenTelemetry to automatically capture detailed traces in NodeJS microservices.

  5. Exploring Metrics Created via Traces in SigNoz - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Learn to generate and visualize key performance metrics from OpenTelemetry traces using SigNoz.

  6. Setting up the Otel Collector - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Step-by-step guide to setting up the OpenTelemetry Collector for managing and exporting telemetry data.

  7. Manual Instrumentation for Traces - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Enhance observability by adding custom spans in your NodeJS Order service using OpenTelemetry.

  8. Setting up Custom Metrics - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Learn how to define, collect, and visualize custom metrics in your NodeJS microservices using OpenTelemetry and SigNoz.

  9. Sending Logs to SigNoz - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Implement structured logging with Pino and send logs to SigNoz for better debugging and analysis in your NodeJS services.

  10. Correlating Traces, Logs, and Metrics - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

    Discover how to integrate and visualize correlated traces, logs, and metrics for enhanced observability in SigNoz.

Tutorial Scope

  • What we will do:
    • Set up OpenTelemetry for Node.js microservices.
    • Implement structured logging with the Pino library.
    • Introduce manual and automatic instrumentation of traces and metrics.
    • Visualize and correlate data in SigNoz for enhanced observability.
  • What we will not cover:
    • In-depth basics of Node.js or Docker.
    • General programming concepts.
    • Non-OpenTelemetry related monitoring techniques.


You are expected to have:

  • Basic familiarity with JavaScript/Node.js.
  • Understanding of Docker and microservices architectures.
  • Basic knowledge of logging, tracing, and monitoring.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this series, you will be proficient in:

  • Setting up and configuring OpenTelemetry within a microservices environment.
  • Utilizing SigNoz to visualize operational data.
  • Enhancing system diagnosis through correlated observability data.
  • Sample Repo for the project that we will build - OpenTelemetry NodeJS Example

Getting Started

Let’s begin by setting up our development environment in the next article, ensuring we have the necessary tools and systems ready for an in-depth exploration of observability.


Read Next Article of OpenTelemetry NodeJS series on Setting Up Docker and Your Local Environment - OpenTelemetry NodeJS

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